About us

Lifegate Outreach Centre is a Christian Faith based registered UK Charity (No. 1154307) established with the purpose of spreading the Abundant Life. Jesus came so that we might have Life and have it more Abundantly. Lifegate is therefore a Centre where people are taught the appropriate biblical principles which equips them to be more effective in service to God and humanity. Our firm belief is that every good gift an individual possesses is given by God and is ultimately for the benefit of the common good of humanity. 



At the Heart of Lifegate Outreach Centre is Lifegate Church established with the following Vision and Mission:



VISION:Raising a People of PurityPowerPurpose and Prosperity



MISSION:Imparting Abundant Life



Our team relies significantly on the grace of God Almighty and the skills and giftings of our membership and associates. 


We're always happy to serve you better and to also welcome new members who would like to dedicate some of their time. If you'd like more information, please don't hesitate to contact us.



We Welcome You!

Join us for:


Sunday Worship Services @ 10am (On Site and on FACEBOOK LIVE)


Wednesday Midweek Services @7:30 pm(on-line) www.zoom.us

(ID: 8015897334)


Lifegate Outreach Centre

Short Acre Street

WS2 8HW,

United Kingdom

Tel: +44(0)1922 278112
E-mail: info@lifegatecentre.org


Or use our online contact form.





Follow us:

Facebook: Lifegate Outreach Centre

​Instagram: lifegateoutreachcentre 


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